
  • Skyrim Jarl Of Ivarstead
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 21:18
    Skyrim Jarl Of Ivarstead

    Forum Skyrim board Jarl of Ivarstead (not the mod) Ivarstead is part of The Rift so their Jarl is Laila Law-Giver (or Maven if it's taken by the Legion), why. If you use mods there is a specific mod for Skyrim (not SE), that allows you to become the Jarl of Ivarstead (which isn't a major city, but allows. Mmgh 020; heat ost 1995. Skyrim - Wylandriah's Spoon Ivarstead is the next location on my list of places to visit. It has been a while since I returned there, and it will be good to see some of the people who I met on my visit so long ago.

    I rode out of Whiterun at a leisurely pace after delivering some news to their Jarl about the Destruction of Helgen. Since I narrowly escaped an undeserved death sentence, I decided to live it up a bit, but casually. I wanted to get a tour of the countryside and see the sights. Maybe ride to Windhelm, an ancient, fabulous city of stone on the water. I chose this course of action and set out for Windhelm, following the signs on the road.My route would have been a lot faster if the people in Skyrim could be bothered to look at a map when they plot out roads. Maybe the Nords believe you should take coaches everywhere, but that's not exactly in the budget for everyone!Anyway, there's this big mountain in Skyrim that I can't be bothered to remember the name of.

    It's huge, and it's in the middle of Skyrim. Very hard to miss on the way from Riverwood to Whiterun. It's unlikely you'd miss seeing it coming from pretty much anywhere on the way to Whiterun. I'm getting away from myself.

    The road to Windhelm from Whiterun goes around this mountain the long way. I'm assuming the only reason for this was for people to climb it on its southeast face. There's a trail of '10,000 steps' that goes up the mountain. At the base of this extensive staircase is the town Ivarstead. It's a great place if you're looking for a few farm snacks and a couple of bears.I decided to stop for the evening at the Vilemyr Inn, which is really the only place to do any sort of bartering in Ivarstead.

    The other two buildings in town are farmhouses.The appearance from the outside does not bode well.The common area was pretty vacant. This place must not get a lot of visitors.I feel bad for the bard stuck in this hell.The innkeeper was awesome about showing me to my room. The price for a room at Vilemyr Inn is 10 gold.Why thank you, Wilhelm. Nice rabbits.Turns out the room wasn't solely mine. I walk in the doorway and there was someone sleeping in the other bed. If they're running a hostel, they should probably advertise that information.Who the fuck is that?!I've tried to rid myself of this entire experience, so I can't even remember if you're welcome to stow your belongings in the available containers in this rented room. There is neither a bedroom door nor stairs.

    The life of an average citizen in Skyrim is a harsh one. Working everyday to make ends meet, and when working is thought, it's best described as working one's self to the bone. In this story, Ivarstead is not the way that it is depicted in the game itself. Instead of a small town filled with racist natives, it is filled with races of all kinds. Despite racial tensions, and strong opposing political viewpoints from the current Civil War, the people of Ivarstead are forced to unite together no matter how much they disagree, or dislike one another, in order to keep their home safe from the recent Dragon Attacks. But, unfortunately, unification is not enough for the people of this small struggling town.

    News of Helgen being taken down by Alduin came not only days before their own village had been struck, forcing the survivors to leave the area and seeks a mean of life elsewhere. The story focuses around two characters, two average citizens who lost their home to the tragic dragon attack, and it is from their perspective telling the tale of the harsh rebuilding of their former happiness.​.

    She wakes in the morning, 6:00 AM to be exact, and she gets up despite still being groggy and her eyes half closed. She slips from the bed, even though it is a double only shared by one, and she ignored the fact that the other side is left cold as she heads for the wash basin. Her long, shoulder length golden locks messed up from a restless sleep, a large and billowy white tunic covering her body as nothing else followed. She puts her pale, small hands into the wash basin, cups up some water, and splashes her face to feel the morning awakening. Outside her window, she could hear the sounds of cows and the rooster crowing at the beginning of a new day.Lielle yawned a final time, stretching by the wash basin as she removed her clothes and continued to freshen up until she was clean.

    Bare naked, she moved over after drying to a mirror extended wooden vanity, and she picked up a brush beginning to remove the tangles from her hair. She looked at herself in the reflection, styling her wet long locks to her sides hoping for it to dry elegantly for the long day of work ahead of her. Lielle then finished grooming, slipped into her daily wear (as seen in the picture above), and headed towards the door to slip on some brown flats before opening it, and making her way into the hall.Vilemyr inn was quiet in the mornings. She had taken her rest giving shift to one of her family members, but now, it was her turn once more, and she knew that her brother would desperately wish to seek comfort of the bed from having been up all night with the local drunkards. She never did the third shift, for it in agreement to her brother and herself was a job for a man. It wasn't easy handling the angry drunks, and Lielle wasn't the fighting type.

    She was a good, strong, intelligent and capable woman. But she had never been an adventurer in her time despite having minor skills of archery for hunting, as well as common sense of the sword. She preferred the quiet life like many of the villagers at Ivarstead so did as well.Making her way downstairs, the smell of fresh cooking bread filled her nose. She smiled, turning way to vision of her brother behind the counter who seemed to have a look of relief across his face. 'The bed is calling me,' he swears, 'I am so glad you awoke early like you promised.' Lielle grinned, a small chuckle leaving her lips as she came around behind the counter. She moved to a shelf in the back, and she pulled off an apron putting it around herself and fastening it tight.

    'I'm always on schedule, aren't I? Did you have an okay night? Morndas is usually slow.'

    He nodded, and then pulled off the apron he had on himself moving it back to the shelf she had pulled hers off of. Not even responding, he briskly moved out from behind the counter, and the large Nord man yawned loudly tossing his arms into the air as he made his way for the stairs. Lielle chuckled again, her bright honey eyes sparkling in the orange light of the fire. She leaned over the counter, awaiting the morning rush for breakfast and a cold morning's mead. The sun had yet to fully rise and already Miikka Selanne could hear a minor argument taking place outside. By the voices involved, he could tell it was between Jofthor, the owner of Fellstar Farm, and his daughter Fastred.

    The latter seemed to constantly complain about being stuck in a backwater town like Ivarstead, yet she did nothing to leave. Just as well, he thought. As much as she bitches about the town, she'd probably miss it and her parents so much, she'd be back on the farm in the blink of an eye. He smiled at his last thought, because he remembered every time he broached the subject of relocating to her, she always found a convenient excuse as to why she couldn't.Boti, Jofthor's wife, did not seem to be a part of the argument, as her voice was not amongst the pair. So then, this round is between father and daughter, he smiled to himself. By lunch time, it will be mother and daughter. And by sundown, perhaps I'll have the good fortune of hearing more of her complaints.

    He shook his head as he got out of bed, still smiling.Miikka wore his hair very short, so there was minimal primping for him to do. He also despised facial hair, as the longer his whiskers grew, an annoying itch always accompanied them. Out of pure laziness to shave, the few times his face did sport the beginnings of a beard, the scratching was sure to follow. He quietly laughed at this mental image, thinking he probably resembled a dog scratching at those bothersome fleas.

    All of this meant he really didn't need a mirror, but there he was, looking at his reflection, while rubbing any remainder of sleep from his eyes.The family had always been nice and decent to him. He had a warm bed to sleep in, a roof over his head, meals to share with them, numerous jobs to keep him occupied, and a respectable amount of coin for doing those jobs and doing those jobs well. He finished dressing, eager to tackle the day and whatever lay in wait for him. Yeah, he thought while smirking, even listening to Fastred's whining. 'Lynly, would you start the day off today with your lute? Your voice is lovely, don't get me wrong, but I don't know-I just feel the mood for something instrumental!' Lielle grinned, her back was turned from the bard for most of what she said except for the last few ending words of her statement as she held a hot pan of freshly cooked bread loafs pulled out of the brick oven hands covered by long elbow length oven mitts.

    She took the pan to a table nearby in the back room of the inn for them to sit and cool off. The entire Vilemyr inn was thick in the smell of Lielle, and her brother's famous bread.' Are you making porridge today?'

    Lynly asked, leaning against the door frame of the back room kitchen, watching Lielle prepare food for the morning. It was now only 7:00, and she had much to do before the breakfast rush in a few moments. Lielle looked to the woman with a lifted brow, peculiar, as she move swiftly about the kitchen tending to the cooking spit where her porridge had already been set. 'Not any for you to have without coin. Food ain't cheap, Lynly, and I know my brother and you are sweet on each other but that don't mean you can just use him for hand outs. You get your money from singin' so I suggest you use it to your convenience. We got to make a livin' too.'

    'If Soldin were up, he'd give me a half of bread and a cup of porridge.' Lynly rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. Lielle looked to her, glaring, and she snapped, 'Woman, get out of my kitchen and get to playing your piece or I will have you off shift this morning!' That was when Lynly's eyes widened, and she quickly headed out to the fast crowding inn demanding mead and breakfast. Voices carried back to the kitchen where Lielle was shining sweat in the face from the heat of the small space and cooking foot.

    She wiped her brow, shaking the drops off onto the ground as she stirred her pot quickly moving over to a different table with flour spread all over and began to knead dough she had prepared for another pan of bread to bake. She already had three pans finished and cooling off, but she knew it would go by in the day quick, and she needed to be ready for the demands.A redguard male quickly came back to the kitchen wearing a full chef's attire, and hat, and he smiled nervously to Lielle as she nodded him welcoming his company.

    Skyrim Become Jarl Of Ivarstead Se

    'Mornin' Riniso, you're late to shift, and you didn't even send that boy of yours to let me know what you had going on. But don't get yourself into pressure, I have started the porridge and bread. Make yourself useful, put on an apron, and head yourself out to the seated tables with Seewul and gather those drink orders. I have a few new barrels I will need your help rolling up from the cellar and tapping. We are almost out of Black Briar, but we have replacements in order.

    I will finish cooking since you decided to sleep in!' 'Yes ma'am, I will be right on it.

    My apologies for the tardiness.' Riniso then quickly put on his apron, dropped his chef hat on the vegetable shelf, and headed out to the bar to help the Argonian tavern wench, Seewul, tend to the morning crowd of those getting ready for a long day's work. Seewul saw him come out, and she smiled with relief as she shortly stated, 'We have three black briar flagons, two Honningbrew, and then one cheap ale, or mead, whatever we have left in stock for the old man traveling by in the corner. When is Lielle going to have the bread ready? People are getting testy this morn'!'

    'Should be on it's way. When I got back there, I saw four pans already cooling off. The porridge smells near cooked too.' Rinismo replied, nodding as a welcome to Seewul as he began to grab several flagons filling them to the brim from different barrels all stacked on a shelf behind the main bar. He and Seewul began to make their way to several tables, satisfying people temporarily, when finally Lielle made her way out carrying large trays of prepared plates of porridge and bread.' Mornin, Lielle!'

    A local Khajiit dressed in smithing clothes called out, and Lielle smiled with a nod as she brought him a bowl and plate of her breakfast selection. She continued to pass the food out, watching each person on her staff to make sure things were in order. Running an inn wasn't the easiest of things, but she had been in the business with her brother her entire life since her parents passed it on to them. She was always too busy with the place to do much else, and she was happy with it for the most part.

    Some day in the future she hoped to settle down with a family of her own, and of course children she could get into cooking and give her brother the ability to head to the bigger cities more often for supplies to keep their business going.As things began to settle down, and all of their guests began to grow satisfied and focused on their mead and meals, Lielle approached the bar where Rinismo and Seewul were relaxing at. She smiled, wiping her brow, and then she sighed. 'Quite a mornin' huh?' Her smiled formed further into a grin as the Redguard rang in with a chuckle, and Seewul finished with a smirk and nod. 'It's this way every mornin' though.' Seewul replied, and then Liellle finished off, 'Got that right. And it's only going to grow even busier at lunch hour.'

    Skyrim Become Jarl Of Ivarstead Walkthrough

    By the time Miikka made his way outside, Fastred was nowhere in sight. He didn't know what to make of this, whether she 'won' the dispute or stalked off in a huff after 'losing' it. He stood near his employer before inquiring, Morning, Jofthor. What's going on?

    I couldn't help but overhear you and Fastred, uh, getting into it not too long ago.By Talos, that girl is going to drive me to drink, he said. The two men looked at each other, and both laughed at the same time. Okay, that girl is going to drive me to more drink. The two mean laughed again, though this time, it was a heartier laughter that they shared.What is it this time? Miikka asked. Ivarstead is dead.

    She's wasting her life here. Solitude is the place to be.

    Skyrim Jarl Of Ivarstead Red Skulls

    I'm sick and tired of the smell of manure. Nobody loves me.All of that, Jofthor replied.

    Well, except for the part about Solitude. She now seems infatuated with Whiterun.

    He rolled his eyes at this. I can hear you two. And I heard everything, said a young woman's voice. And don't you make fun of me, Miikka, or I'll beat you like the Nord dog you truly are.Nord dog? He repeated, smiling at Jofthor. And what is she? Miikka stood at a lean 6'3', 190 pounds and the response to his question was a 24-year-old, 5'7', 116-pound bundle of energy now perched on his back, her two arms locked around his neck.

    I said not to make fun of me, Miikka, and you're making fun of me. Prepare to be defeated, you Nord dog! He asked again. You've said that twice now. Did you just learn a new insult from your friends at the inn? You're still making fun of me, Fastred nearly screamed, while tightening her grip.At this, Miikka reached behind him and clamped both of his hands on her sides, and started tickling her.

    Giggling could now be heard, and soon enough, she had no choice but to let him go, as his tickling ramped up in intensity. As he was now free of her choke-hold, he turned to face his assailant. He smiled and winked at her. Get away from me, she playfully said, returning his smile. For good measure, she slapped him on his shoulder.Have you two had breakfast yet?

    He asked the pair. Both shook their heads no, before Jofthor answered, Boti's still in bed.

    I think she may be coming down with something. And, I'm not really hungry right now. I'll just wait for her to wake up and maybe the two of us will have something light to eat later.Miikka then turned his attention to Fastred. Well, if you think you can stand the company of a Nord dog, would you care to have breakfast with me at the inn, fair Fastred? She glared at him before answering, You be quiet.

    And yes, I'll have breakfast with you. She then smiled at him, as the two started their short journey to Vilemyr Inn.

    'Why Lielle?' Lynly asked, glaring at her from across the room. Lielle had her back turned, hardly having even heard the question from the attitude princess of the Vilemyr Inn workforce. She decided she would ignore it, sick of their usual conversation. All Lynly was interested in was flirting with Soldin because she, and Lielle, both knew that her and her brother combined made way more money than she would ever have. Lynly kept her mouth shut most of the time, because the real reason she even was at Vilemyr inn the first place was due to complications with an exlover.

    Lielle, and Soldin, keep her secret in exchange that she plays for them each day. She even has a room at the inn for herself.A few customers were trying to make a request to Lynly, as she ignored their words and continued to watch Lielle tend to refilling flagons, handing them to Suweel who went off and brought them over table by table. The inn continued to smell thick in the delicious scents of fresh baked goods, but instead of just bread this time Riniso was working on sweetrolls for the children when they would come around for lunchtime as well. Suweel bumped Lynly kindly, and then she looked over to her as Suweel whispered, 'Let it go. You're not going to be with Soldin if Lielle is still around.

    You know how she is, and she is the one who owns the inn anyways. I am sick of hearing you gripe.' Lielle finally turned to pay attention to the two girls, and she sighed crossing her arms. She saw a customer trying to get Lynly's attention, and then Suweel ignoring the several glasses that she had on the counter waiting to be delivered. 'These drinks aren't going to carry themselves, Suweel, and stop ignoring Klimmek Lynly. The two girls rolled their eyes, and they separated getting back to work. Lynly muttered under her breath before she moved to tend to Klimmek, 'My ass if Soldin won't marry me.

    I had him screaming my name the other night. He's wrapped around my finger.' Suweel came back to the bar, and she apologized for her hesitation. Lielle ignored the apology, and pushed on through the rush of the morning feast. She wanted to get her shift done as fast as possible, because it was the same thing every day with her coworkers. She just thanked the divines she was up and breathing to continue through another day. As the pair got closer and closer to a hearty and delicious meal, Miikka couldn't help himself and spat out, So tell me, Fastred, do you have a boyfriend yet?

    Asking such a personal question, he felt it necessary to fake a cough and a stumble, hopefully earning any kind of empathy from her. No such luck.Yet?! She exclaimed. What do you mean by yet, you pig?! As Miikka shuffled away, she started to pick up her pace in order to catch up to him. Come back here.

    Don't you run away from me. Selanne couldn't help himself as he replied, I'm not running. Does this look like running to you? And what is it with you and these farm animal insults?He was about to say something else, but changed his mind as he noticed how quickly Fastred had increased her foot speed.

    Now, he decided, was as good a time as any to maintain distance from her. He zigged between Klimmek's house and then zagged past the inn. Believing he was now in the clear, while not dropping his running speed, he saw a clear line to the entrance of the inn.His first mistake was staying true to his running speed.

    His second mistake? Turning around to view Fastred's current status in her pursuit. As he turned again to focus on the inn's front door, all he saw was the side of a horse who was obviously one of six in a team drawing a carriage.Following a collision with the horse, Miikka was now lying on his back on the ground. Regaining his bearings, he started to rise and clear his head. Before he could sit up, however, Fastred was on him like frosting on a sweet roll.

    So then, she began, this boyfriend thing you speak of. Are you applying?Acknowledging the fact he was now subdued, he answered, Can we at least have breakfast and then continue our discussion? Because I don't know about you, but i am f.ing famished right now. Fastred bowed and then backed off, while standing at the same time. She offered a hand of assistance, which he graciously accepted.

    Miikka motioned toward the inn's entry way and then said, Shall we? Finally, things were beginning to slow down and Lielle had a moment to catch her breath. As the breakfast crowd disappeared heading out of the inn towards their busy work days, Lielle had a smile burst across her face as she looked towards her staff in great appreciation. She went around the cluttered tables with Suweel, as well as Lynly, and they began to gather the used plates and leftover food and empty mead bottles from various eaters.

    Within minutes, the inn started to reflect the former clean representation of itself that it held prior that morning while Lielle was baking.' Another great effort of teamwork, despite a few complications,' Lielle winked to Rinismo and Suweel, bypassing the glare from Lynly while she held a stack of dishes and headed back to the kitchen. Lynly stopped Suweel before she passed the bar, and she took dishes from her hands as she softly stated, 'Don't worry about these I will take care of them.' She gave her a fake smile, and then headed off to follow Lielle back where they could be alone.

    Suweel looked to Rinismo with widened eyes, and she then she and him shook their heads silently laughing over the issue between Lielle and Lynly concerning Soldin.When Lynly came around the doorless frame to the kitchen, she placed her stack of dirty dishes on a counter next to the slowly shrinking pile of dishes Lielle had began to work on cleaning within a nearby dump basin. She looked over to the woman, who deliberately ignored her presence humming a beautiful song to herself, and crossed her arms silently staring at her as her annoyance effortlessly grew. 'You do realize I am in here, don't you?' Lynly asked.Lielle broke from her humming, still not looking over to Lynly as she scrubbed a few plates passing them on to a clean stack on a counter to the right of her.

    'Yes, but I am obviously choosing to ignore you. I may have to work with you and put up with you, but it doesn't mean I have to like you or go out of my way to be friendly.' She then finally glanced over to her, holding gaze instilling her intentions as completely as she could in that moment.

    Then, she moved back to the dishes humming away.' Soldin proposed to me last night, Lielle.' Lynly replied, shaking her head and crossing her arms. As soon as she said that, Lielle dropped the dish she was working on quickly back into the hot soapy water and gave her an awkward, but amused stare. She chuckled silently shaking her head.

    'You have GOT to be kidding me. He would never do something like that without telling me first. Tell me you're trying to a fast one.' Lynly held a devious, greedy grin that showed all of the answers that Lielle needed. She had a fire in her eyes, and an expression that said she was serious, and that she had the advantage. Suddenly, Lielle stepped away from the dish stacks with anger across her face.

    She growled softly, letting out a loud huff as she began to storm in the direction of Lynly. The diva, to what she held herself to be, saw the angry reaction from Lielle and her soon satisfied expression grew to a quick drop of the jaw as she began to back up while Lielle came forward. Lielle started to storm after her faster, and faster, and then Lynly turned and started to scream running from the kitchen as Lielle picked up pace chasing her throughout the tavern. She screamed, 'YOU STUPID HARLOT! YOU DON'T EVEN TRULY LOVE MY BROTHER! YOU THINK I AM GOING TO LET HIM BE FALSELY PERSUADED INTO MATRIMONY WITH A GOLD DIGGER LIKE YOU?! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PIKE THE DAY HIS RING FINGER MATCHES YOURS!'

    'I knew this was going to happen,' Rinismo softly muttered as he leaned in while standing next to Suweel elbowing her gently, and Suweel couldn't hold back laughing while the two woman ran in circles around the inn with Lynly screaming and Lielle shouting and cursing up a storm. Suweel looked to Rinismo, and then replied, 'Someone needs to wake up Soldin. He's the only one who can solve this.' Rinismo nodded, looking to Suweel as he walked around her and began to head off from behind the bar pulling his chef hat from his head and stashing it into the apron pocket. He dodged a few swings from a frying pan that was held tight in Lielle's fighting arm as she ran past him, by the stairs, heading towards Lynly.

    He chuckled some more, and then started to make his after Soldin in the bedroom. Entering the inn, Fastred and Miikka were greeted with a most unusual but not uncommon sight: that of Lielle chasing Lynly around, waving a frying pan. Quite menacingly, too. Miikka nudged Fastred, and said, Best stay out of their way. Go grab that corner table, so we can at least be out of that frying pan's range.

    He laughed and headed toward the bar to place their order.Fastred, obviously, had been waiting for him as he didn't even get a chance to seat himself before she started firing questions at him. So what about this boyfriend thing? Are you trying to tell me something? Did someone ask about me? Have you been.at this he had no choice but to put both hands up and interrupt her.

    Will you calm down, please? I have two coffees here, but now I'm reluctant to give you one. You seem more hyperactive than usual.

    She muttered something under her breath while reaching for a cup, thanking him at the same time.All I'm saying is that maybe if you had a man in your life, you wouldn't be so, uh, so. Now he did it, and he cursed silently at himself for bringing this subject up. So, what, Miikka?! Finish your sentence, you bastard.This is exactly what I'm talking about, he stated, trying to keep his voice down. You're so insulting.

    There, I said it. You happy now?

    Before she could respond, he continued, So far today, and let's face it, the day has barely begun, you've called me a Nord dog twice, a pig, and a bastard. Have I left anything out?

    She replied rather quickly, You're a horse's ass, too, but I'll save that one for another day.He sighed and shook his head, while she stuck her tongue at him. Besides, what do you know about relationships, Miikka? That's what they're called, you know, not just this man and woman thing. He glared at her as their breakfasts were delivered. She ever so slowly made a sweeping glance around the room, then went on, And, uh, I don't see a line of women lining up for you any where near here. So really, Miikka, what do you know?I know plenty, he snapped, as she smirked at him.

    I know enough, he corrected himself. Look, I know about women, okay?

    I've spent enough time around them to know what I'm doing. Never losing her smirk, she said, I really hate to be the one to break this to you, Miikka, but your mother and sisters don't count. Did you just kick me?! He replied, How can I? I'm eating my breakfast, or trying to at least.She considered this briefly, then said, Yeah, you're right. Fastred was about to dig into some ham and eggs, until, You DID kick me, you lying plops! Miikka, however, was prepared for this, as his legs were already spread far apart to avoid her inevitable kicking.

    As both her limbs flailed under the table with no targets hit, she glared at him, inquiring, Where are you?! Where are you?!He just smiled at her. While Lielle continued to chase Lynly around the inn with that frying pan still firmly in her grasp, it seemed as if Fastred and Miikka had a set-to of their own. Now that Soldin was on the scene, both Fastred and Miikka breathed a sigh of relief. Lielle dropping the frying pan, however, made the pair nearly jump out of their seats.


    Miikka smiled at his breakfast companion, who surprisingly, smiled back. He was sure to keep his legs spread apart, as he was positive she'd continue to try and make contact with his shins.Just then, Suweel made her way over to their table, inquiring about their breakfast. Noticing that Fastred's mouth was now full of food, Selanne took it upon himself to answer for the two of them. Delicious as always, Suweel, he replied. Delicious as always. He grinned and winked at the Argonian, then said, You know, you all would make a fortune with all the drama that takes place here.

    I mean, take Lielle chasing Lynly around with that frying pan. That's pure theatre, that is. Charge admission while serving breakfast, lunch, or dinner and stand back while the Septims come rolling in.He and Suweel laughed at this. She then patted him on his shoulder while making her way back to the counter. Miikka noticed she was still laughing as she left their table. A glance at Fastred told him all he needed to know, in that her body language indicated she had still been trying to kick him. He winked at her, then teasingly stated, I think you missed.The young woman emitted a low, barely audible growl, and just like that, she was under the table, biting and pinching his inner thighs.

    By Talos, woman, what's gotten into you?! That breakfast's not enough for you?! You still hungry?! By now, she was already back in her seat, mopping up the remainder of the egg yolk on her plate with a slice of bread. She placed it in her mouth with a smug, triumphant expression on her face, then said, Now we're even.

    Miikka could do nothing but grunt and chuckle at this. She sure had spunk by the bucketload, and he admired her for this. Naturally, this was something he'd never share with her.

    Because if he ever did, he'd never hear the end of it.Still, he did so enjoy teasing her. See, that's the kind of behavior that's gonna scare all your male suitors away, he informed her. Male suitors? She snorted, while scanning the inhabitants of the inn, then meeting his gaze. You are so full of plops, Miikka, that I don't know whether to shovel you or spead you over the vegetables in the garden. Still, she said while twirling her hair, if you enjoy chasing me first in order to get me in bed, then.He interrupted her while spluttering, Chasing you?! And getting you in bed?!

    Have you been reading those knight in shining armor books again? I put up with you out of respect for your mother and father. It was her turn to interrupt. You put up with me because you like me, and the sooner you admit it, the sooner we can move along.Miikka muttered something under his breath, then hastily got up to pay the bill. Fastred, however, was not done with this now one-sided conversation. No response?!

    Get back here, you coward. The fact that you're not saying anything tells me loud and clear that you do like me. She caught up to him at the bar, as they both waited for either Lielle's or Suweel's attention, so he could take care of their tab. Oh, I get it now. You'd rather tell me this in private. She winked and smirked at him, while all he could do was glare at her.

    And the more he glared, the more she smirked.

    Skyrim Jarl Of Ivarstead
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